
Codecoon, or how Continuous Integration helps our Projects

Day 2: 16:00 - 16:45, Onedrop

Codecoon is the new hosting platform developed by in Karlsruhe. You might think „Please - not another hosting platform!“ - but Codecoon is different. As we are working for and with TYPO3 products for more than a decade now, we try to offer a hosting that makes it as easy to set up, develop and deploy TYPO3 applications - based on TYPO3, Flow and NeosCMS - as it‘s probably never been before. „State-ofthe-art technology like Vagrant, Chef and Packer combined with lightweight tools like Sinatra and orchestrated by the powerful Flow framework are the foundation of our platform. Within this talk, we want to give an inspiring insight into what we have been learning from this Project. This lessons is split into two big parts. The first part shows the importance of Continous Integration for big and agile web projects. The second part shows how important Lean Managment is for big projects -especially for internal ones-. Both lessons we want to share with you.

Fabian Stein GmbH

Daniel Lienert GmbH

Platinum Sponsors